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The Bride's Secret Page 2
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Page 2
“You’re just going to go, by yourself?”
She didn’t have time to help his gentlemanly sensibilities feel better. “Yes, There’s an earlier flight. Goodbye.” She waved and hurried forward, tripping over the front of her dress, catching herself, but the skirts wrapped around her legs and the duffle fell forward to her front. She stumbled and fell forward, her palms touched the pavement for a second before another pair, strong, large, around her waist pulled her up as if she weighed nothing and set her back on her feet. “Are you allright, Miss Hamilton?”
The distance between them felt charged, energy racing up and down stirring the air and brushing delicious bumps up on her skin. “Thank you.” She wiped a tear. “I’m such a mess.” More tears fell and she stopped trying to dry them or hide her misery.
“Here.” He took the duffle and her other bag. “I’ll help you.”
She sniffed. “Thank you.” They walked across the street and entered her terminal. The line was long, but Wyatt led her to the front of the first class passengers. He pulled out an ID and his credit card. “I’m a platinum member, and she’s with me. She needs an earlier flight.” He held his hand out and she jumped, searching out her boarding pass she’d printed. With shaking hands, she handed everything to Wyatt. What a strange set of circumstances. But she felt so hopeless and incapable, as if it took all her strength to just run out on the day of her wedding. She snorted. Of course it would. And suddenly it all caught up with her, and fear started to get a lead on the small amount of courage she had left. Wyatt handed her a new ticket but she couldn’t even lift her hand to take it. “What am I doing?”
His huge hands encompassed the skin on her shoulders. Electricity zinged through her and her eyes snapped up to his. She thought something passed there, interest. But he hid it immediately. “are you quite certain you wish to leave? We could return to the church? You’d only be a little bit late.”
She shook her head adamantly. “This is so difficult. The ha-hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I can’t marry him.”
He studied her face. Then nodded. “Will you be alright? I can’t go through security with you.”
She crumpled a little bit more. “Of course.” But she didn’t know if she would. IF she could walk. “could you walk with me?” She looked around him to the airport attendant behind the counter. “Could you accompany me?” She felt ridiculous. “Like a minor?”
Her unsympathetic eyes watched her down a long pointed nose. “Not unless he has a ticket.”
“Oh, but I have another ticket. See, I’m scheduled to travel with someone.”
She looked from Wyatt to Carisa and back. “Is it his ticket?”
Her shoulders drooped. “No.” She placed a hand on Wyatt’s arm. “And I’ll be fine. I’m sure. I’ve never been this ridiculous. Thank you for getting me here.” She turned from him, pulling her bag behind her and left Wyatt standing at the counter. The good man had the decency to look conflicted. Her feet moved slowly, probably too slowly considering she was trying to catch a flight that left any minute. But they did move, and she could be grateful for that.
Chapter 3
Wyatt watched Carisa walk away, the hem of her white dress now dragging on the floor. A frown filled his face. Her slow feet, her slumped shoulders, tugged at him. Something about her courage impressed him. It kept her moving but she was a shell of the person he’d seen at the rehearsal dinner. She had been fun, and witty and vibrant. Everyone had felt the glow of her attention. And Heath was an idiot. He didn’t deserve such a woman. But that wasn’t Wyatt’s business.
What kind of friend broke up a wedding? Ran off with the bride? Apparently Wyatt did such a thing. If Heath wasn’t such a jerk…The duffle dropped off Carisa’s shoulders, and he had to stop himself from running after her to scoop it up. Suddenly Wyatt’s ordered life was in a mess. All he’d thought was noble and good yesterday seemed tweaked today. Surely it was not good to escape with a runaway bride, his friend’s bride…but surely it wasn’t good to let her go off and marry someone who was already checking out other women. He felt ill at the thought. Perhaps he wouldn’t have said a thing but when she herself was having reservations. And brave enough to leave. Her retreating form rounded the corner. The security line sat just on the other side. She’d never make it unless she could travel the faster lines with him. And something clicked. Where was she going again? Hawaii? He could make all his conference calls this next week from there as well as anywhere. He shrugged and turned back to the now grumpy flight attendant. “I’ll take a ticket as well, first class, on the same flight. TSA pre check as usual.” She pulled up his name. “Oh, Mr. Jackson. A pleasure to serve you today. Will you be using miles?”
He nodded and completed the transaction, moving Carisa up to first class beside him while he was at it. “She’ll have to okay the change, but I don’t imagine she’ll complain.” The woman, now all smiles, perhaps because he was such a frequent flyer, or perhaps she thought his situation romantic. Whatever the reason she was much more pleasant. “I’ll alert the gate staff that you are both coming.”
He nodded. “Thank you.” He glanced at her nametag. “Gloria. I appreciate it.”
“I hope you can work out whatever troubles you’re having and enjoy your honeymoon afterall.”
He opened his mouth, a denial ready on his lips but he was in a hurry so, “Thank you.” Was all he said. Perhaps it would be best if he pretended to be her intended, for the journey, save them both a whole lot of explanations.
He hurried through the line, she was just collecting her things from the security machines when he showed up at her side. “There you are, honey.” He said loudly. “Sorry it took so long to get that mess worked out.”
Her mouth dropped open and he winked, his eyes taking in everyone around them. She cleared her throat and then her smile grew, hesitant at first. “Oh good. We’re off then?” They walked together, Wyatt taking all of her things. She sidled up next to him. “What are you doing?” She whispered.
“Just dropping a bride off on her honeymoon.”
“What? You’re going with me?”
“I figure, I can’t just send you by yourself. A woman such as you deserves a bit of an escort, far as I can tell.” Even as he said the words, he sounded a bit over the top even to himself, but something about sending her off alone felt wrong, and he felt a tiny amount of responsibility for her, since she’d been mistreated by his own friend and since he’d driven her to the airport. He dipped his head as if he was wearing his old cowboy hat. “Well now, ma’am. I’ve been raised never to leave a woman in distress.”
She laughed and then shook her head. “And to think you and Heath are friends. I’ve never met two different people.”
Suddenly he wanted to be as distant from Heath as possible. “It’s been years since we’ve been close.”
Her eyes widened, and she swallowed and then turned away.
This was going to be quite a trip with a stranger, an emotionally crippled stranger. But he had to hand it to her. She saw through Heath’s nonsense at last and when she did, had the courage to step away.
“And from what I can tell, you just saved yourself years of sorrow.”
Her eyes grew so wide he was afraid they’d take over her face. Then she nodded. “So, did I do the right thing?” Her whisper almost flitted away to mingle with the conversation all around them. But he heard it and he nodded. “Yes, Ma’am I think you did.”
She nodded, and stood taller. Then she laughed, weak, but her face relaxed more. “I think I’m going to go change.”
“I’ll stay with your things.”
She stepped three steps toward the bathroom and then came back, face a new deep shade of red. “Um. I’m going to need some help.”
“Pardon me?”
“Getting out of the dress.” She turned her back to show him. “The buttons.”
His mouth dropped, and he felt his face heat. Then he looked around for a nice looking woman. “I can’t�
“Oh please. I can’t wear this anymore.” Tears started to fall again. “Sorry, I’m not usually such a mess.”
“Alright, alright. Lead the way.” If she wasn’t so beautiful, it might not be so uncomfortable. But if any woman had ever been off limits, she was it, so he tried to pretend she was his sister.
She found a family bathroom that was vacant, and they both went inside. Wyatt didn’t miss the wink he got from a guy walking by at about the same time. Well, at least they could continue the marriage farce for a little while. It made everything less complicated, especially with her wearing this dress. He shook his head.
“Oh, sorry, just thinking. What a crazy day. I don’t know how I’m gonna explain any of this to Heath.”
Her face fell. “Or my mother.” She swallowed. “Or Marguerite. That woman is gonna kill me.”
“You sure about this?” Wyatt lifted her chin with his finger.
“I thought you approved.”
He cleared his throat. “I do, but only if you’re sure. A woman like you could make any relationship work.”
She smiled.
“If you wanted to.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want something like that. I want.” She bit her lip, and Wyatt found himself fascinated by the gentle pressure of her white teeth on her soft mouth. “I want joy. I want the relationship to bring me joy, to be easy and hard, to make me smile more than I cry.” She sniffed and then her face pinched up, and Wyatt held his arms out. “I’m sorry for asking. Come here.”
She melted into him, hiding her face against his shirt. He could only guess what kind of mess it would be in once she was done. But as he wrapped his arms around her back, her soft skin from her bare-backed dress warm against his fingers, something nudged inside him and he found himself glad to be with her, happy he was the one to help, and a hint of protective care filled him. He placed his chin on top of her head. “It’s going to be okay. You’ll relax for a few days, then face all the demons. You’ve got the strength inside to do this.”
Pulling away, she smiled up at him, her makeup remarkably clean.
He looked down at his shirt, not a smudge.
“You think so?”
“Sure, anyone strong enough to leave their wedding on the day of, is strong enough to handle all the rest of it.”
Her smile started wobbly but then grew across her face. “Thank you for being here. It’s so unfair to hope for such a thing, for you to be with me, but I don’t think I could have done any of this alone.” She turned to show him her back. “Not even undress myself.” She winked. “See the buttons? If you can just unfasten that row down there, I can shimmy out of the rest I think.”
He swallowed. All along her lower back were tiny white buttons, holding her dress together. He kneeled down and his fingers brushed her soft skin, the lovely indent down the center of her back puckering with goosebumps at his touch. “Are you cold?” He murmured, trying to keep his mind brotherly and platonic.
“No.” She breathed out. That’s all she said, but as he trailed a finger up her spine a few inches, the soft white hairs stood on end. That small waist, her ready response, he wanted to slip his hand on her bare skinned waste, spreading his fingers across her belly. And suddenly he felt guilty. So he hurried through the buttons, trying very hard not to see the top line of her white lace underclothing as he stepped away, opened the door and closed it behind him. He leaned his back against it. She hadn’t locked it so he stayed put to make sure no one else tried to interrupt her. But his breath was coming hard, and he closed his eyes to steady himself before she exited. What was the matter with him, running off with the Groom’s bride? A groom he’d known as a child. One he did not respect, he reminded himself. But how different was he than Heath if he was taking off on the honeymoon trip? Perhaps it would have been fine, but those goosebumps, the way she felt in his arms. The way his hands wanted to wrap around the smallness of her waist and press her body against his. She was not immune to him or he to her. He swallowed and then grimaced, the door hard at the back of his head, reminding him of reality. This was a nightmare waiting to happen. For sure he would need a separate accommodation in Hawaii, a separate hotel if he could help it and plan to never speak to this woman again. With any luck, no one would know he was even there.
Chapter 4
Carisa hurried as fast as she could, slipped out of the white dress and into yoga pants and a long t shirt. Then she rolled the dress up and shoved it in her overnight roller bag. She felt her mother cringe as if she’d seen the mistreatment of such an exquisite piece of clothing. Such a shame it would never be worn again. And it was stunning. Each button, each layer of fabric, everything fitted precisely to her shape. Carisa zipped up the bag, splashed water on her face, grateful for smudge free, waterproof makeup, and then opened her bathroom door.
Wyatt tipped back toward her before he caught himself.
She smiled. Now here was the kind of attentive gentleman every girl was looking for. She’d be totally in to him if the circumstances were different, if it were like next year or something. As if he’d ever be interested. He probably thought her the headcase she appeared to be. Perhaps she was a bit unstable. Something was not right, she knew that. How many people behaved as she did today with a full working emotional deck? None. She sighed.
“All set?” Wyatt reached for her bag, all business, and marched toward their gate without waiting for a response.
For a moment, she’d thought they had something, a connection, which she would never have acted upon, but she thought it might have been there. Until he left so quickly without a word. She shrugged. It was for the best. He could be a rebound relationship only at best at this point.
They called for first class boarding.
“That’s us.” Wyatt waved her forward.
“Wait, I’m not—”
“I upgraded.”
Stunned, she followed until they were in the loading ramp, without so many people around. “You upgraded? So, like, I’m in first class?”
He nodded. “I thought it might be more comfortable.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I thought we could get you over there with as little hassle as possible, and I wasn’t about to try and squeeze all of this” He indicated his tall form. “Into commercial seating.” He stood taller and eyed her small frame.
“Well, thank you. I’ve never flown first class.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
They entered and sure enough, sat in row 2 A and B. She had a good four inches of seat room on each side of her. She could kick her legs out to the front a good amount before even brushing the seat to her front.
Wyatt filled out his space more fully, but he had some room in front of his knees. She saw how it would have been torture for him at the back of the plane. “This is nice.”
The flight attendant brought her a drink and offered her some reading material. She could get used to this. Only she better not. She’d never been able to afford first class before so no sense hoping she might now. Wyatt was just too good to her. She wanted to do something nice for him so she dug around in her bag. “Check out our vacation. We’ve got all kinds of excursions planned. You might as well make use of them. Have you ever toured the volcanos? Or helicopter ride. And we have a private scuba diving tour on Thursday.” She showed him their printed itinerary with all the information.
For a moment, his face looked pained.
“It’s the least I can do. I can’t believe all you’ve done for me today. I could never pay you back except maybe to offer these extras?” She searched his face, hoping to put him at ease.
He hesitated and then reached for the materials. “Thank you.” He glanced at it and then handed it back. “I can’t be going on your honeymoon with you. It wouldn’t be right.”
“I don’t see why not. I don’t even have to go with you if you don’t want. But someone should be enjoying all these extras.” She tipped her head back and c
losed her eyes. “Maybe I’ll just spend all my time in the spa anyway, or on the beach.”
“Well, thank you. I’ll be working, but I’d enjoy a tour of those volcanoes. I’ve always wondered if it’s really hot to the touch up there.”
She nodded, smiling. “Somehow I knew that would be the one to get you.”
He chuckled low, and his deep base made her stomach jump. “Did you, now?”
She turned away, eyes still closed and murmured, “MMM, HMM.” They made preparations for take-off and then before she could even triple guess her rash choice to run away, the plane was leaving the ground below. “I did it.” She thought her voice too quiet to hear, but Wyatt reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before dropping it again. He was such a good man. Why couldn’t she have fallen for a guy like Wyatt? She’d probably be walking down the aisle right now if he were at the other end of it.
She gasped. She really was loco. She didn’t know anything about him, not really.
After a surprisingly restful flight, she led them to baggage claim and their hotel shuttles. When Wyatt saw where she was leading him, he shook his head. “This is where we part. I’ll get your big bag and take you to these fine people.” He grabbed her phone. “I’ll put my number in here if you need anything, just let me know. Maybe I’ll take you up on that volcano tour.”
She opened her mouth, surprised. She didn’t know why she would be. There was no reason he would be spending her entire vacation with her, but somehow she’d assumed he might at least stay at the same resort. “It’s a beautiful location. Have you looked into staying there” Her voice sounded more desperate and less casual. She clenched her nails into her palms.
“No, I haven’t figured out where I would stay yet.”
“Oh, okay, yeah, I guess Hawaii has all kinds of choices.” Her voice now sounded overly casual, like she was forcing it. What was wrong with her? “Look, Wyatt. Thank you. I’m just pathetic right now. I appreciate all you have done today. You saved me in every sense of the word and I will never forget it. If there’s ever something I can do in return, I’d love to help you.”